blank Taking the Mamas & Papas Airo Pushchair on our Family Holiday – Mamas & Papas UK

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Taking the Mamas & Papas Airo Pushchair on our Family Holiday

Taking the Mamas & Papas Airo Pushchair on our Family Holiday

Instagram favourites’ Stuart & Francis recently took their Mamas & Papas Airo Pushchair on their family holiday to Mykonos. We chatted to them to ask how they found travelling with the Airo and which of its features came in most handy.

The Airo is known for being really compact– when did you find this feature came into great use?

"When travelling with kids you want everything to be as compact as possible and easy to carry. The Airo fitted perfectly into our boot next to a large suitcase and then when travelling through the airport was so easy to carry around, especially with the rucksack feature. When we were at our holiday destination too it could easily fold down in a restaurant to create more room and even on the beach next to our sun loungers. Just in general, very easy to travel with."

What was your favourite feature about the Airo Pushchair for your summer holiday?

"We loved the lay down flat feature. At home our son always sleeps longest in his cot but when on holiday you want to be out all day. We found that Rio slept equally as long because the Airo lies down fully flat meaning we got so much needed respite from being Dads. One day we were at a family-friendly beach club for the day and at around 1pm it was time for Rio’s nap. This meant he could lie down fully flat, have over an hour and half long nap, whilst we enjoyed a lovely lunch. He had great naps like this everyday and it was so lovely to know that we could have a rest for ourselves too."

How did you find the process of using the Airo at the airport and storing in the overhead lockers?

"The Airo was so easy to use in the airport. From the rucksack feature when walking around to the gates and then to placing in the overhead lockers. It made the whole airport process seamless."

What was it about the Mamas & Papas Airo Pushchair that exceeded your expectations?

"We think the for all the features the Airo offers matched against its affordability it was just amazing. It’s great design and just the ideal travel pram for any family."

Would you recommend the Airo Pushchair to a fellow parent or parent-to-be?

"Yes we would 100% recommend this pram to fellow parents. It’s a sleek design so looks great, it’s offers all the features you need from folding with 1 hand to the lie down flat feature and can be put in the overheads lockers and is at really great price."

Shop the Mamas & Papas Airo travel stroller today!